How We Work...


Whether they are hands-off or engaged micro-managers, our clients quickly get the sense we will meet them where they’re at, fully able to anticipate their concerns. It’s crucial they feel comfortable making decisions. And while we take our fun seriously, the seriousness with which we assume fiduciary responsibility is even greater.

Our marketing strategy is bespoke, tailored to sellers’ needs and what we know works. We take the same customized approach in introducing buyers to East Bay neighborhood treasures. We’ll even unhitch the horse and buggy for a tour if it suits you. The benefit of our team can’t be overstated. When a big financial transaction looms you absolutely deserve to have the confidence of being legally sound (Candice) and structurally sound (David). David examines each property with a machinist’s eye to determine its exact condition. He anticipates any issues the other side might raise. Candice uses this knowledge to write effective disclosures, contingencies and contracts. Sometimes it the other way around. Together, we negotiate a successful deal.

This is a fast market. You need to be ready to buy or sell at a moment’s notice.

The more adept we are at assessing property, customizing your marketing plan, and completing paperwork, the smoother your transaction will be.

We stand behind our expertise. Whether you are selling, buying, investing (or managing tenants during transactions) , we promise an outstanding level of accessibility, dependability, and accountability.

Our division of labor is effective. Our collaboration is seamless. The results speak for themselves.